丝路环球旅游盛典 SRGTG
Silk Road Global Tourism Gala


发表时间:2016-09-03 16:43作者:一牛传媒

“世界看银川”2016如意·新丝路世界模特大赛经过北京、西安、银川三地为期十天的紧张赛程,于9月3日在宁夏银川黄河横城旅游度假区迎来总决赛。参加总决赛的选手来自世界三大洲的26个国家,26位外国选手和27位中国选手,共计53人。最终,来自广州的尹娟荣膺本届大赛冠军,亚、季军分别由来自纳米比亚的Schroeder Conshida Angelica和来自阜新的候静瑶获得。

Ruyi·New Silk Road World Model Contest 2016 themed “The World Sees Yinchuan” held its grand final on September 3rd at the Yellow River Hengcheng Tourist Resort in Yinchuan, Ningxia after the 10-day intense contests in Beijing, Xi’an and Yinchuan respectively. A total of 53 contestants participated in the grand final including 26 from abroad and 27 from China, covering 26 countries across three continents. In the end, Yin Juan from Guangzhou, China won the championship, and Schroeder Conshida Angelica from Namibia and Hou Jingyao from Fuxin, China won the second and third place respectively.
