1. 从入住酒店开始,注意爱护酒店公共设施,在选手指定的房间内如有任何公共物品的损坏(如烟洞,玻璃杯等)丢失(毛巾浴巾1.等)个人承担全部赔偿责任,房间的电话,洗衣,食物的费用由个人承担。
2024 Silk Road Global Tourism Gala Notes for Participants
This document is formulated to ensure the success of the 2024 Silk Road Global Tourism Gala (hereinafter referred to as “the event”) and to maintain a serious, authoritative and fair competition environment. All participants shall strictly observe the provisions in this document.
From this point forward, the finalists have entered a phase of heightened competition. Your personal presentation and daily activities have been established as criteria for evaluation. Your utterances and actions will increasingly influence the ultimate outcome of the contest. Therefore, it is imperative that you consciously adhere to the guidelines and rigorously enforce them.
l Notes
a) Participants shall meet the application requirements.
b) Participants shall arrive at the location to register 12-24 hours ahead of the time as informed by the organizer, and follow the activity till the end of the event(this period of time will hereinafter be referred to as “during the event”); The property and personal safety of the contestants throughout this period are not the responsibility of the Organizing Committee, save for those matters that have been previously notified to and explicitly confirmed in writing by the Organizing Committee.
c) Contestants of 2024 Silk Road Global Tourism Gala, as they receive file Notification of Finalists, shall take some videos of their representing countries, like recording natural landscape and local customs. There’s no limitation in the number of videos. Videos shall be sent to the staff of the organization committee when contestants register in Xi’an city. Our staff will upload videos to the official website of the event. The activity aims to enrich the event’s promotional materials and offers an opportunity to contestants to show themselves. Videos will be appraised by a group of media experts who will select the best video. Winner will be awarded Most Promising tourism promoting Contestant and get 500USD bonus.
d) During the event, all the living arrangements of participants shall be made by the organizer. Participants are strictly prohibited from engaging in any illegal or criminal behaviors, including but not limited to gambling, excessive drinking, physical altercations, theft, or engaging in aquatic activities at the beach independently, as these actions may result in hazardous situations. Otherwise, the organizer has the right to disqualify the participants.
e) During the event, participants shall obey the arrangements of the organizer and follow the guidance of personnel assigned by the organizing committee.
f) Participants shall ensure that they are in good physical condition and can adapt to the intense activity rehearsal and various contest parts.
g) During the competition period, without the written consent of the competition organizing committee's contestants management department ,contestants are strictly prohibited from entering into any agreements, engaging in profit-seeking activities, or participating in both online and offline domestic and international performances, filming, and other similar activities(whether for profit or not). Furthermore, contestants must refrain from distributing any images, names, or short video works associated with the event to third parties for commercial use(whether for profit or not).If contracts of such activities have been made before the event, participants shall inform the organizer or the General Counsel of the Competition about this situation and the organizer will decide whether such participants are qualified for the event. The organizer will suggest that such participants negotiate with the other party of the contract to resolve this issue without influencing the event (whether or not the resolve influences the event is up to the organizer). If related information about the above-mentioned situation is not disclosed to the organizer, such participants shall be disqualified for the event.
h) Participants shall observe the procedure and regulations concerning registering, provide authentic personal information (including but not limited to medical history, current health status, criminal record, and any other information deemed necessary by the Organizing Committee) and valid identity document. Those who provide false information will be disqualified and investigated for legal responsibility.
i) During the competition period, if the following damages are caused by the participant himself/herself and/or the participant to the third party's person and/or property (including but not limited to property damage, loss, disability, death and other all results), the organizing committee shall not bear any responsibility and all the responsibility shall be borne by the participant and/or the third party.
Ø Liability for personal and/or property damage resulting from the participant's own illness;
Ø contestants shall bear the losses to themselves and/or third-party persons and/or property arising from their own illegal, criminal behaviors or acts of violating social morals, such as drug use, drinking, gambling, racing, fighting, theft, etc.
Ø Contestants place themselves in dangerous situations and their dangerous actions may cause harm to themselves and/or third-party persons and property.
Ø Due to adverse weather conditions or natural disasters and other unforeseeable circumstances ,cause contestants suffer personal and/or property losses.
Ø Liability for personal and/or property damage resulting from an accident caused by the contestant or a third party;
Ø Liability for injury or accident to the contestant, or to any third party, resulting from the contestant's own or another party's negligence;
Ø The liability of the contestant for any personal and/or property loss resulting from any legal dispute with anyone for any reason;
Ø Contestants shall assume the liabilities for any personal injury and/or property damage incurred as a result of their engagement in activities not pertaining to the competition's selection process during the competition period, or arising from their involvement in activities outside the designated working hours for the selection process.
Ø Other non-caused by the Organizing Committee,contestant or third-party personal and/or property losses;
Ø During the competition, contestants who disobey the organizing committee's event arrangements and cause physical or property damage to themselves or third parties will be held responsible.
Ø Except for the request of the organizing committee, any injury or loss to the participant himself/herself and/or third-party person and/or property resulting from the participant's own drinking, consumption of allergic food, taking of medication or other behavior.
j) Fees:
Ø Fees of accommodation and transportation arranged by the committee shall be covered by the organizer.
Ø Fees of accommodation and transportation arranged by the participants without acceptance of the committee shall be covered by the participants.
Ø If participants spend more than the standard given by the organizer (including but not limited to toll charge, laundry, fitness, food etc.), the excess part shall be paid by themselves.
Ø Any expenses beyond the service and standard set by the organizer shall be paid by participants themselves.
Ø The hotel where the participants will be staying may require each person to pay a deposit of RMB 200 per room, according to the hotel's policy. Please keep the deposit receipt safely and present it when you check out of the hotel. The hotel will return the deposit, but if any items in the room are lost or damaged, you will be required to pay the full replacement cost.
k) During the event, participants shall take part in professional public relation activities organized by the organizer and conduct performance for one or two times as required by the organizer.
l) Participants shall address inquiries to the reviewing committee and organizer in written form within 3 days since the competition result is announced if there is any doubt about the result.
m) Participants are obliged to sign brokerage contract with the organizer if the organizer offers to do so.
n) Contestants must participate in the events and promotional performances arranged by the organizing committee within one year after the end of the competition. Contestants who fail to attend without permission and cause economic losses to the organizing committee must compensate for the corresponding economic losses.
l Punishments
a) Participants violating any of the above-mentioned clauses shall be disqualified by the organizer and all the privileges they enjoy as participants shall be canceled.
b) If participants violate the above-mentioned clauses and cause economic loss to others or bring bad influence to the society, they shall bear all the legal liability.
c) Participants who do not agree with the punishment decision made by the organizer shall file an opposition in written form within a week since receiving the notice of punishment.
l Daily Conduct
a) From the moment of check-in, please take care of the hotel's public facilities. Any damage or loss of public items (such as cigarette burns, glasses, etc.) in the designated room of the participant shall be fully compensated by the individual, and the costs of phone, laundry, and food in the room shall be borne by the individual.
b) Contestants should take good care of public property and equipment during the competition, and if any items are damaged due to their own negligence, they shall bear the full liability for compensation.
c) Be courteous and respectful to the organization committee’s staff. Contestants should respect each other and pay attention to their behavior and appearance.
d) Be sure to take precautions against sunburn and bring necessary medications when shooting outdoor scenes.
e) Please keep a close eye on your personal valuables at all times, and the Organizing Committee will not be held responsible for any loss.
f) Due to differences in ethnic customs and habits, if there are any special requirements, please consult with the organizing committee for negotiation.
g) It is strictly forbidden to leave the premises on one's own (for shopping, eating, etc.) during the competition. Be vigilant about safety.
Organization Committee of 2024 Silk Road Global Tourism Gala
Contestants Management Department
15th August, 2024