1. 具有合法本国身份的青年女性,无犯罪记录,无不良嗜好;
2. 年龄在18到28岁(条件优异者,可适当放宽年龄要求);身高170公分以上,身体健康,五官端正;
3. 大专及以上学历,具有良好的教育背景,具备基本艺术素养;
4. 喜爱中国文化,可使用中文进行简单语言交流;
5. 可熟练使用英文交流;
6. 热爱旅游,热爱生活,生活态度乐观、积极向上;
7. 身姿优美,体态轻盈。
8. 无赌博、饮酒、吸烟、飙车、斗殴、偷盗等不良嗜好及任何违法、犯罪行为。
1. 身份证明材料扫描件(身份证/护照扫描电子版);
2. 学历证明或在学证明(电子版);
3. 免冠2寸照片,(电子版);
4. 简略自传1份(不超过500字),电子版、手写版均可,手写版要求字迹工整;
5. 提交正面化妆头像特写彩照1张;正、侧面无妆头像特写彩照各1张(素颜模卡);正、侧面全身彩照各1张(定妆模卡);生活自拍照若干张(电子版);
6. 填写完整的《参赛申请表》。
2. 经纪公司推荐。
1. 冠军、亚军、季军各一名,十佳选手;
2. 单项奖(包括但不限于):最佳上镜奖、最佳身材奖、最具T台表现力奖、最具人气奖、最具旅游推介潜力奖等。
1. 丝路环球旅游小姐组委会有权无偿使用入围选手的肖像进行大赛的宣传推广活动;
2. 参赛选手的全部信息及材料应保证真实、准确、完整,如有不实信息或虚假材料,丝路环球旅游小姐组委会将取消推荐参赛选手因参赛而享有的一切待遇,送选机构应赔偿因其过失给组委会造成的一切损失;
3. 丝路环球旅游小姐可冠名设奖,决赛地点和颁奖仪式由大赛组委会和赞助单位、协办单位共同商定;
4. 本须知解释权属于丝路环球旅游盛典组委会。
A. Application Requirements
a) Young female with legal identity. No criminal record or bad habits.
b) Aged between 18 and 28(In exceptional cases, the age restriction may be appropriately relaxed.), taller than 170cm, healthy and well-featured;
c) B.A degree or above, Well-educated with basic artistic quality;
d) Be fond of Chinese culture, mastery of simple oral Chinese;
e) Fluency in English communication;
f) Love travel, love life, have a positive and optimistic attitude for life;
g) In good health for intense training and competition.
h)No gambling, drinking, smoking, racing, fighting, stealing, or any other unhealthy habits or any illegal or criminal behavior.
B. Materials Required
a) Passport in electronic form
b) Certificate of Academic Degree or Certificate of Enrollment in electronic form
c) Two-inch color bareheaded photo, passport-style in electronic form;
d) Personal statement (no more than 500 words);
e) 1 color photo of your face (front view) with makeup, 2 color photos of your face (front view and lateral view) without makeup, 1 half-body color photo, 2 full-body color photos (front view and lateral view), several life photos;
f) Fill in the Application Form.
C. How to Apply
a) Download the application form from our website “http://www.eniuhainan.com”, fill in the form and send it along with your photos to 1042849282@qq.com / sharpayyoung0228@gmail.com
b) Recommendation from Model Agency.
D. Selection Criteria for nominees
The organizing committee will select participants according to the materials submitted by applicants and will give out the feedback before 25 August 2024.
1. Winner, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up, and Top 10 Award;
2. Special awards (including but not limited to): Best Camera Performance Award, Best figure award, Best T-stage performance award, Most popular award, and Most Potencial Award For Tourism Promotion, etc.
F. Additional clauses:
a)The Silk Road Global Tourism Gala Organizing Committee has the right to use the portrait of the qualified contestants for the promotion and promotion activities of the competition without charge;
2. The contestants' full information and materials shall be guaranteed to be true, accurate and complete. If there is false information or false materials, the Silk Road Global Tourism Gala Organizing Committee will cancel all the treatment enjoyed by the recommended contestants due to participation, and the sending institution shall compensate the Organizing Committee for all losses caused by its negligence;
3. The Silk Road Global Tourism Gala can be named and awarded. The final venue and award ceremony of the competition shall be determined jointly by the Organizing Committee and the sponsoring units and cooperative units;
4. The interpretation right of this notice belongs to the Silk Road Global Tourism Gala Organizing Committee.